In the Age of Globalisation, the world is connected through trade, commerce, and financial infrastructure. Geopolitics is deeply influenced by macroeconomic trends, as they might affect markets’ growth and decay. In this respect, we intend to provide engaging perspectives on the evolution of economic relationships across the world.
Economics impacts not only government public policy, but also our own daily lives. We aim to provide integrated analyses pointing out the relevance of economics for our world. We hope to dispel the idea that the intertwining of geopolitics and economics is detached from day to day life, instead believing that international political economy is a necessary tool to address compelling issues revolving around business, capitalism, labour, development, and financial systems.
We want to produce insightful research dealing with contemporary economic challenges, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. More importantly, we want to convey the importance of economics to those interested in improving their knowledge of world affairs.