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Contemporary crises stem from diverse phenomena. That is why security management is a critical discipline to address security challenges and deliver proper solutions. Varemeng uses an intelligence-led approach when facing security dynamics. In particular, we believe that open source intelligence (OSINT) should be a primary method of fostering knowledge and ultimately improving the practice of security management. Intelligence matters, both for policy-making and in creating holistic security policies.


In the Security and Intelligence research program, we aim to challenge current assumptions regarding national and global security. We want to contribute to the existing literature on: organised crime; human trafficking; terrorism; violent extremism; political violence; threat actors. We want to address the study of intelligence not only as a process, but also from an organisational perspective, introducing our audience to the world of intelligence agencies.


We also believe that human security offers a recent but comprehensive analytical layer to engage with comprehensive challenges such as climate risks, overpopulation, mass migrations. In sum, we want to provide new ideas to be applied within the security industry, but we also hope to lay the foundations for fruitful debates over the most pressing security issues of our time.


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